Friday 15 January 2010

Ring A Ring Of Roses

We wanted to create a sinister character for our child, to do this we thought we would mix the idea of death with that of childhood, after concidering our options we thought the best way to show this would be through the child actor singing 'Ring A Ring Of Roses'; Ring A Ring Of Roses, although a common childhood nursery rhyme is believed to be about the bubonic plague, yet this is only old wives tales

After researching this folk law we found this

"the idea was that the 'ring of roses' represented a round, red rash, which was thought to be a symptom of the black death, but this was factually incorrect 'A pocket full of posies' was believed to be a means by which people warded of the disease, thinking that illnesses were carried by foul smells. Some people have also suggested that the posy of flowers represents a funeral wreath.the next line of the poem is 'Atishoo! Atishoo!', which is claimed to describe the sneezing caused by the plague - except the bubonic plague doesn't cause sneezing, And 'We all fall down' is supposed to be the plague victims falling down dead."

although the tale seems to be factually incorrect the song is still associated with this incident and the lyrics themselves are horror-like as they denote death; therefore we feel it would work well in our opening

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