Tuesday 16 March 2010

Extra Research - Orphan PERFECT CASE STUDY

Okay basically my sister wanted to watch Orphan and I realised it had a fantatsic representation of a young girl/child who kills people, so i watched part od it too.. HA

Basically at the beginning of the film the girl is dressed in pastel colours in a traditional doll-like/ victorian outfit and has perfect curly hair depicting her as an inncoent young child. She doesn't kill people, just pigeons ;) She also had dolls in her bedroom!
Towards the end of the film her clothing is black, which obviously is the complete opposite extreem. Her hair is also no longer in ringlets, but in a pony tail, and its slightly straighter, like her perfection is falling away. She also looks older, loosing her childhood innocence, as you discover her secret ;) haha It was totally like the perfect case study and i'd so recommend looking it up on youtube if you don't have access to the film!


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