Friday 11 December 2009

Looking at Blood

As we want our movie opening to be as realistic as possible, and as we are doing a horror, we felt it highly important to get a realisitic looking blood in order to make video convinsing, between us we have come up with lots of different recipies for blood. we decided to test them out on clothing as thats where most of our blood would come from in our film, here are our results;
between us we came up with 22 different recipies for blood, which are displayed on the two tshirts below

out of the 22 we then decided to ask peoples opinions on them , as well as our own and we came out with a shortlist of our favourite recipies
we liked the one on the bottom left of this scan as we felt, althought patchy in colour, it looked like a scab or a dried wound, it was created by mixing tomato ketchup and water based paint
We also liked this one, on the left, which is just red stencil paint

We also liked this one which was cochineal food colouring, coffee and sugar, it looks good but a bit too flat

this one looks good, as it has run well across the shirt, which large amounts of blood would to, it was made from red food colouring

And finally this one, which was created using cochineal food colouring, coffee, and iceing sugar, we liked how it was textured and was a strong shade of red

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