Tuesday 16 March 2010

Extra Research - Orphan PERFECT CASE STUDY

Okay basically my sister wanted to watch Orphan and I realised it had a fantatsic representation of a young girl/child who kills people, so i watched part od it too.. HA

Basically at the beginning of the film the girl is dressed in pastel colours in a traditional doll-like/ victorian outfit and has perfect curly hair depicting her as an inncoent young child. She doesn't kill people, just pigeons ;) She also had dolls in her bedroom!
Towards the end of the film her clothing is black, which obviously is the complete opposite extreem. Her hair is also no longer in ringlets, but in a pony tail, and its slightly straighter, like her perfection is falling away. She also looks older, loosing her childhood innocence, as you discover her secret ;) haha It was totally like the perfect case study and i'd so recommend looking it up on youtube if you don't have access to the film!


Thursday 25 February 2010


We have pretty much always decided our film weas to be called, 'Dolls House', so now we are editing, we decided to experiemnt with fonts and graphics. These are some of the inital ideas

okay for some reason all the fonts have appeared in BACKWARDS order above my typing.. ANYWAY the fonts are
1)Calibri (Body)
4)Freestyle Script
5)Segoe Script
6)Blackadder ITC
7)Times New Roman
The black a red works well i think, good connotations ;)
The BRIGHT pink and black.. makes me want to kill myself and puke.
I don't think white works as a background as tehre isn't enough depth to it, and it give the wrong impression about the film.
merci xx ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha (fml. baby gurl hover)


Basically, just wanted to say we completed all our filming :) we used will's house for the bedroom and barn location as it saved time/money/effort traveling to a trillion locations :) it also meants filming only took up one day, which was good, and also sad once everything had been done! filimg went really well, we spent a long time setting up mise en scene, as this is key to out plot, but were we very efficient filmers. We got lots of shots of the same thing so we can choose the most effective one, and we got some extra shots that just seemed to work on the day, and have been added in to out opening now we are editing :) xxx AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! yes Ash.

Sunday 7 February 2010

Filming !- 07/02/2010

We started filming at 10.30 this morning round Sofy's house. We filmed the 'perfect' kitchen scene where we have two murder victims which we will edit to use as snapshots etc in the final piece. We spent about an hour making the set perfect and then another half an hour on make up. We then made sure we had perfect lighting and we played around with lots of different techniques to make sure we had the right shots. We then spent about an hour filming trying to get the best shots as possible.

Cheers guys, I think it went really well :)

Thats a wrap ;) ahaha xx ahaa lol. oh yes.

Thursday 4 February 2010

possibly the worst youtube video, ever.

maggorts are frickin' creepy. This is the youtube link to possibly the worst youtube video, ever. Please don't watch if you like eating cakes or are currently eating..

Part 1

Part 2

aahahahahaha xxxxxxx ahahahaha xxxxxxxxx ahahahaha <- idiolect ;)

PS: don't laugh at me, it was scary!

Monday 1 February 2010


This is a really cool guy who does awesome make up that we could take inspiration from :) his name is petrilude, and here is the link ...


hope you like ahahahaha xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday 30 January 2010

We're Organized

Final filming dates are set, going to start and finish by the end of half term leaving enough time for editing

the three final locations are:

Ash's bedroom - wake up scene
Will's barn - nightmare scene
Sofy's kitchen - 'perfect' scene